Trace your heritage and find your family tree on a visit to Ireland – This is a little surreal. Just a few days ago, people were still publishing travel articles. This one for Ireland happens to mention 2 of my discoveries: Annie Moore of Ellis Island and Barack Obama’s roots in Moneygall. Maybe next year??

Remains of suspected WWII US airmen repatriated from Myanmar – Had the privilege of researching some of these heroes. Hoping that DPAA will be able to identify them. 🙏

Daði Freyr – Think About Things (Daði og Gagnamagnið) – A delightful distraction. Written about his 10-month-old daughter. Iceland’s Eurovision entry. 😂❤️

9 ways to make working from home more joyful – I know many of my fellow genies already work from home, but for those who might find themselves entering our world before long, here’s a little advice.

A message from me and my dad, @Melbrooks – For those on Twitter, this is both charming and good advice regarding the current situation with COVID19.

Top Photo Credit: Raúl AB under Creative Commons license