Finding Barry Manilow’s Mysterious Grandfather – I know nobody woke up today thinking, “Y’know what? I’d like to read about Barry Manilow’s grandfather.” But if you’ve got the time, I hope you’ll indulge me and give this a read. I tripped across this previously unknown tale by accident and it was quite a ride both story- and research-wise.

Animate Your Ancestors: Welcome to the world of retro reality – You know that piece I wrote about MyHeritage’s Deep Nostalgia tool? I updated it to include advice about how to make the most of it, as well as some thoughts about the deepfake aspect.

Please consider reading and sharing your thoughts and experiences. Bonus points if you do so on Medium itself (article linked above), rather than on Facebook, but either place welcome.

In case you’re not aware, the app has exploded well beyond the genealogical world and is now #1 with more than 8 million images having been processed, so I thought a serious update was warranted!

She found her birth father via DNA. He’s a fugitive accused of killing his whole family. – When it comes to genetic genealogy, I’ve always said don’t ask if you don’t want to know. Fortunately, she’s taken this in stride, but this is still 😬.

National Personnel Records Center Prepares for Expansion of Onsite Workforce – Good (and long overdue) news for the genealogical community.

Photo Credit: Boston Globe, 10 July 1922 (Newspapers)