Companies and foreign countries vying for your DNA – The U.S. military recently issued a warning to all service members instructing them not to use direct-to-consumer genealogy tests, like those offered by Ancestry, 23andMe and other companies, because the DNA data collected could be exposed or exploited.

Hundreds died on World War II ‘hell ships’. Now there’s an effort to identify the dead. – Am fortunate enough to have researched a number of these cases. I hope they’re able to make some identifications before much longer.

Unsula, Under by Ingrid Hill – OK, who’s read this surreal book? It’s been out since 2005 so I imagine some of my fellow genealogists have. Have some questions (e.g., why was the Polish part left unexplored?), but certainly a creative way to share the story of your ancestors.
Much is based on the real roots of the author, though as a novelist she allows her imagination to take flight running back countless generations. Points for the cool Chinese-Finnish combination!

President Biden’s Irish Roots and Latin America – Joe Biden inherited his wanderlust from those Irish ancestors of his. Chile, Brazil and Mexico figure in the mix. 🌎

Photo Credit: Hein Boekhout under Creative Commons license