How I discovered the guilty secret of my Titanic violinist grandfather – This is one of the best genealogical sagas I’ve read in a long time! Thanks for sharing it, Roger Moffat!

New Jersey girl traces heritage through region

DNA-based advertising redefines commercial ‘ad-targeting’ – DNA-based advertising??

Bono First To Hear The Corrs’ New Album? Group Announced Their Comeback – This makes me happy on several levels. First, I’ve always liked the Corrs, so I’m pleased to hear they’re making a comeback. Second, I’m delighted to hear of the prospect of two Ellis Island songs! I can’t help but wonder whether the one the Corrs have recorded is the one by Mary Black that I’ve long loved.

What Your DNA Says About Medieval History – Two Mongolian waves, eh?

10 Things You Didn’t Know about (long overdue Emmy winner) Jon Hamm’s Roots

Wimberley family reunited with decades of memories

J.K. Rowling reveals Potter family history on new Pottermore site

Genealogy Roadshow, Season 3, taping in Boston, Providence, Ft. Lauderdale/Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, and Albuquerque

She went to college to study anthropology and found her slave ancestors nearby